The Electronaut is an apparatus for listening to the invisible electromagnetic fields that surround us.
Electronaut consists of a small, portable device that contains a stereo pickup and amplifier. The operator brings the device close to an electrical source – for example, a light switch, electric toothbrush, automatic doors – and their distinct electrical signatures can be heard through the attached headphones. It is part sensor, part musical instrument, and the ambient electrical fields can be ‘played’ in a similar fashion to a Theremin. The sounds created are heard in stereo, allowing the operator to be immersed within the sonic field.
Because it is portable, one can listen to electromagnetic fields outdoors. Electric trains, underground cables and street lamps all produce their unique sounds. A collection of recordings can be listened to in a Soundcloud tracklist here.
I conceived the Electronaut as belonging to the speculative worldbuilding of my New British Supply film and incorporates the horned pylon god logo. It might be imagined as a consumer device much like a smoke detector or intruder alarm, albeit one that allows people to check for demonic electrical manifestations within the home.

Materials: Acrylic, electronics, stainless steel, headphones.
Dimensions: 90mm x 150mm x 95mm (without headphones)
#soundart #device